Prufrock's Wargaming Blog

Prufrock's Wargaming Blog

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Bloodied but unbowed - Undaunted North Africa part 1.

SP was able to come over Sunday to the dungeon to squeeze in a bit of gaming before the working week whacked us over the head again.

What shall we play, I asked. Something I know, was the reply.

After a bit of consideration I settled on Undaunted North Africa. We'd gone through Undaunted Normandy and knew the rules.

As it turns out, there was a bit to get our heads around. The first thing is the change from squads to individual men (it took a moment to sink in that in U:NA the troops cards all had the same name); the second is the introduction of vehicle crews; the third is the different paths to victory.

We decide to play through the scenarios in order as a campaign. SP has taken the Long Range Desert Group. I will be the Italians. 

Game one: Landing Ground 7

First game is a secure vs destroy scenario. I have to control three points of objectives to win; SP has to destroy three points of objectives to win. I can only control with my rifleman; SP can only destroy with his engineer. I advance my rifleman too far. SP hits him hard, and destroys the depot and the aircraft for three points.

Game one to SP! The engineer is the hero. 

Photo above shows casualties sustained. We did this wrong: we only count casualties removed from board, not cards lost. Casualties then are 0-0.

Game two: The Hammer

It is another control / destroy scenario, with the hanger, the aircraft and the supply depot all counting as one point each. SP can only destroy with his engineer; I can only control with the medium tank or the rifleman.

I don't quite understand the vehicle rules correctly but feel I can manage on the fly.

I am wrong. I pin my hopes on the medium tank, get my machine gunner killed, and am too cautious with the rifleman. I am too static and not able to balance fire and movement. SP wins with good play. I am not finding my rhythm, am putting my guys in exposed positions but not seizing opportunities. 

I am also seriously spooked by SP's sniper!

Game two to SP: casualties 0-1. Heroes aplenty for SP: my pick is the sniper; his is probably the engineer.

Game three: And the Anvil

This is a different game entirely. SP has to control objectives; I have to prevent him. He can only control objectives with a Staff Sergeant or Sergeant. All I have to do is hold in place and shoot up those two chaps. 

This strategy I can manage! SP caught out by first-time vehicle rules and is not quite sure how to proceed. I have no such issues. Eventually I get the dice to do as I ask them.

Game three to me: casualties 2-0.

Cards lost for the LRDG.

I am not quite sure what to make of Undaunted North Africa. The rules are simple enough, but how they work in play is trickier than it first appears, and we were consequently unsure of our strategies.

SP adapted more quickly and more surely than I did, and showed boldness at the right times. Luckily for me, scenario three is a bit of a puzzle for the LRDG player otherwise I think I would be three games down. 

As it is, we will regroup and go again another time.

It was an excellent way to spend a Sunday afternoon, and sure beats painting the fence!


  1. Undaunted: North Africa is also still on my list to be played one day.

    1. At this stage I would rate Undaunted Normandy higher, but the Undaunted games seem to get better the further you get through the scenarios so it might get better yet.

  2. Undaunted series are also on my radar, depending on their solo rules. I need to check on that. Cheers.

    1. They have dedicated solo rules in the 'Reinforcements' expansion, but I haven't tried them yet, as I feel you can play two-handed solo without too much trouble.

    2. I've heard the solo rules are not very good but it's a good thing in playable two-handed solo as many people is doing. I'll probably get Undaunted North Africa as I don't have any armies to play in Africa.


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