Prufrock's Wargaming Blog

Prufrock's Wargaming Blog

Friday, June 28, 2024

Next batch of figures

I had previously harped on here about how keen I was to next get stuck into painting some Persians. Well, so much for that: this next batch (due for magic wash tomorrow) is Greek cavalry and hamippoi of the Theban variety. 

Xyston figures. My goodness, they are a treat to paint. I am a workman, not an artist, so am not able to quite do them justice, but even so, they are wonderful to work with. They do take a bit of prepping, mind....

I'm also working on some 3d printed elephants and from the Xyston pile have another 50-odd Greek cavalry and 80-odd Theban hoplites prepped. 

Successor beasts from Potbelly. Drybrushing underway.

With work extremely busy at the moment but without much tangible to show for it it has been nice to come back home to practical hobbying and feel like you are getting somewhere in at least one aspect of your life!


  1. DUDE! Don't be so hard on yourself, I like what you have done so far! I always block in with the basic colors and then do a wash, so you are on target. After that a little clean up and your golden! You don't have to take them to the next level. Remember the three foot rule. A young woman on Youtube did painting videos and because of her I got better. Her motto was faces, bases, and banners! That's what everyone sees.


    1. Cheers Kevin, appreciate the encouragement! My painting is good enough for what I need, but some of the beautiful work you see around on Xyston figures is something to behold. There are some amazing tutorials around on youtube. We are lucky to have such good resources at our fingertips! Hope you are doing well!


  2. Good progress on the figures, the elephants should be fun to paint.

    1. Cheers Peter, just finished the elephants last night. There were indeed a lot of fun to paint, but there are some quirks given they are 3d printed. I will be getting some more!

  3. You have a good number of miniatures on the painting table and from these photos they are coming up nicely.


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