Prufrock's Wargaming Blog

Prufrock's Wargaming Blog

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Libyans on base

There have been a few delays but we've finally got to the fun part - taking the freshly varnished figures off their temporary strips and arranging them on their bases. I think I've said it here before, but it's the part of the painting process I enjoy most. 

The hard work is done and the game - as it were - is almost afoot.

To delay things further, the reason it took about four weeks to get these chaps to this stage is two-fold: one, I decided to bolster the ranks a little, and two, it has been difficult to find the right paints I use during the basing process.

The extra figures I got are from Potbelly Miniatures, a 3d printing enterprise based in New Zealand, of whose existence Mike of Bucellarii kindly apprised me a few posts ago. They are nice figures, but the resin used presented a challenge - none of my glues would work! It took me a bit of time to find the solution, which turned out to be Cyanoacrylate from Avetek NZ. 

The other problem (still not resolved, unfortunately!) is paint. In Japan I used to finish figure bases in Tamiya Flat Green, cardboard bases in any variety of green or khaki, and the edges of said bases in Mr Hobby H58, Interior Green. In order to maintain consistency, I wanted to use the same colours over here, but had not got them yet. I therefore ordered a few pots of the H58. These took about a week to arrive. When I went to use them, I found to my surprise that it is no longer the same colour. I wondered if I'd ordered the wrong code, and went to check: apparently Mr Hobby changed the formula in 2019. 

So I was stuck. I had two pots of paint that won't do the business. Do I order some black and try to mix them to the right colour or find something from another manufacturer that's closer? In the interests of saving time and shipping costs I tried buying a Humbrol pot from a local store, but that is not quite right either. Hmm.

It wouldn't be so bad if this were Japan. It would take ten minutes to find an alternative hobby paint at the local Joshin, and even if you got things wrong it would cost you about $10 for the various paints and thinners I've picked up so far. In New Zealand these mis-steps have cost me $80 and I still don't have the right colour. Oh well. It's never going to do much for your equilibrium comparing prices of hobby products between NZ and Japan!

So I will just use the wrong colour in the meantime and hope it is only me that notices the difference.

The figures drying on their bases (with the offending H58 in the background!)

One thing I have reason to be thankful for is that I was able to bring my non-hobby acrylic paints back here from Japan with me, so it's rare for me to need to actually buy any paint. I shouldn't grumble too much!

Anyway, on to the flocking stage, and I have a game planned for tonight with SP, so it should be a good long weekend.


  1. Excellent Libyan spearmen Aaron! In Australia with the basing colour, hardware stores like Bunnings in their paint sections can do a matching sample pot 250ml, you take in a sample and they scan and match it.

    1. Cheers, good suggestion. I hadn't thought of that!

    2. Some 15mm LBM transfers on the white shields would look good too:

  2. Always frustrating when products change or are discontinued. The figures look good.

  3. I know where you are coming from with matching paints (and basing materials in the past) I see someone has suggested colour matching at a place with paint mixer machine, but also in the end you can soon move passed slight differences when it comes to basing. Since I started my rebasing project I've mixed and settled on a shade then remixed and changed my mind again, They're all much of a muchness and on the tabletop I forget all about it until I start over analysing when under the harsh light of the painting bench.

    The Libyans look fantastic looking forward to some Punic wars battle reports!

    1. Yes, I'm probably being too picky, and no one else would notice but me!

  4. I had a problem with base colour paints, so I took a sample down to my local DIY store and they scanned it to make a colour match. I now buy half litre tins of the stuff using the bar code from the original scan.


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