Prufrock's Wargaming Blog

Prufrock's Wargaming Blog

Thursday, May 9, 2024

On the painting table

A little later in the year than I'd hoped, but we're finally making a spot of painting progress at the house of Prufrock.

I had planned to have these ready to do Ilipa for the Society of Ancients Battle Day, but as so often happens, the plan did not come to fruition!

These are work in progress Carthaginian spearmen with hoplon, who can be used as Sacred Band for earlier periods or Libyan infantry for Hannibal's war. They are from the Corvus Belli range, but produced in plastic by the Plastic Soldier Company. They are lovely figures. I'm a little pickier with their cavalry, but the Corvus Belli infantry ranges are superb. Unfortunately, they seem to be out of stock at the Plastic Soldier Company now, so when or whether they will be available again I don't know.

Getting close to completion...

Which means I'd best make the most of the ones I have. There are enough for four 16-man units, but as my initial purchase was a couple of figures short, they sent me an extra 8, meaning if I scrounge the bits box and repurpose some command figures I can probably field 72 altogether.

Batch 2 still has more work to do

I'm yet to decide whether to leave the shields as they are or add designs. 

Painting guide:
Dark grey undercoat
Mid brown for spear shafts, sandals, shield backs
Flesh for arms, legs, hands, faces
Light grey for linen armour and shields
Red brown for straps, scabbards
Red for tunics
Dark silver / iron for spearheads
Antique bronze for helmets, shield edges.
White highlight for linen armour, shields
Gold to highlight bronze, shield edges
Silver highlight for spearheads
Highlight for tunics
Green for bases
Magic wash
Highlight for flesh, other areas that might need a touch up
Spray varnish x 2

I haven't been in a painting routine for a long time so am just trying to do a bit each night before dinner and/or after the kids are in bed. I'd like to get some Greek cavalry done next and then try to make a dent in my Achaemenid Persians.

We'll see how we go!


  1. Replies
    1. Cheers Ray, nice to get a brush back in the hand!

  2. Good to see you back at the painting desk! To get back into a routine, I recommend painting a little, often.

    1. Thanks Jonathan, yes, that seems to be the best way, though in reality I end up a bit more binge then break! It's just that this break has been quite a bit longer than usual :)

  3. The Corvus Belli figures are very nice. Some good 3D printed ranges around too now:

    1. Thanks Mike, they look good. Will investigate, and they're in little old NZ as well.

  4. Aaron, good to see you painting again, I note Plastic Soldier are doing Cromarty Forge Carthaginian now, do they still have the Corvus Belli licence?

  5. Nice looking unit. When written down it is always surprising how many colours are used in the painting process.

    1. Yes, that's right Peter, even for fairly plain paint jobs like these!

  6. They're looking good. I must check Plastic Soldier as the figures are very nice. I'm also starting to paint 15mm ancients; I've just started this week with a Gallic army for DBA from Old Glory. Cheers

    1. Oh, nice! I found Gauls hard to start, but once I got into the swing of it quite fun to paint. I'll check out your progress! Cheers

    2. They are fun to paint. I don't think I'll publish anything until the army is done, so you won't be able to check any progress, sorry :)

    3. Will look forward to seeing them when the time is right!

  7. Looking very good Aaron! Corvus Belli sculpts look great was always tempted when I saw them appear in Impetus books!

    1. I actually really enjoyed painting the plastics. No need to fuss about with prep - just wash them, spray on some primer and you're good to go. I'm a bit sad they don't seem to be available any more.

    2. Typical hopefully they'll recast them. I'm sure I read a while back that they had acquired xyston to make them in plastic too?

  8. Great progress Aaron


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