It has rushed by like a freight train, hasn't it?
At the stage of life I'm in the successes that count tend to be those of our children rather than my own. On that score I could not be happier. The children are now all into their teenage years and I am very proud of them. The effort they have made in adapting to a new country, new language and new way of life has been immense. They lost a grandmother who was very dear to them this year, but despite that shock they have worked hard and done exceptionally well in their studies.
Having turned 50 this year myself I am acutely aware that the years I will be around to guide them are limited. There is a strong sense of wanting to do what I can while I can.
It has been a good year for gaming-related matters. Painting has started again; blogging - while still sporadic - has picked up. Rather more money has been spent on games this year than had been for quite some time.
The things I can remember buying are:
- Memoir '44 (and something like seven expansions)
- The Lamps are Going Out
- Boots on the Ground
- Fields of Fire
- 300: Earth and Water
- Strength and Honour and the new expansion
There has also been a reasonably steady diet of games played. Some solo battles or solo boardgames, and I would guess monthly meet-ups with SP for games of one sort or another. It has been good.
I had hoped to put together a multiplayer game this year, but I have not been organised enough to do that yet. I do miss the end of year games that I used to put on in Japan for assorted ex-pats: there is not quite as much of a captive audience here, and there is also a slight shying-away from larger gatherings on my part. When I was teaching I was starved of adult company and was therefore more motivated to ensure there was some of it around. Now, dealing daily with people while working in an intense service role, I am less inclined to want to be around others on my days off. The batteries need to be recharged!
And what for the year ahead? I think there will be more Memoir '44. I would also like to write some articles again for Slingshot. I realised recently that I have not written one since 2019! That is too long.
Purchases should drop off. Being a little more judicious about what I buy is important. I almost grabbed a couple of other games last week, but had to ask myself if I would ever play them. The answer was maybe, but probably not. The truth was that I was only thinking about them because they were available. We shall see if this being more sensible lasts!
To close, I'd like to wish everyone who has found their way to this blog this a wonderful Christmas and New Year, along with success and good fortune for 2025.