Prufrock's Wargaming Blog

Prufrock's Wargaming Blog

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Spartan cavalry done

The latest batch to come off the painting line is now ready for flocking. These are more Xyston cavalry with light infantry mixed in. It took me a while to get through these but last night helped by a little cider and some loudish music we got them finished off.

I used three shades of brown alongside grey and black for the horses. 

Tunics and cloaks were crimson with washes and highlights used selectively.

The light infantry I used crimson for either tunic or cloak and then other colours to add some variation.

I finished them off with my magic wash and a dousing in matt varnish.

Xyston are just lovely to paint. They have a lot of character and you never feel ashamed to plonk them on the table. Just as well - I have plenty more of them to do yet!

In other news, I'm off to Auckland tomorrow to meet up with my brother, who's coming from Adelaide, to go and see Iron Maiden. The old metalhead in me is getting quite excited. If you're wondering what the loudish music that attended last night's painting session was, you can now probably guess! 

I'm also really looking forward to catching up with my brother. We've not seen each other (apart from video calls, of course!) since 2019, so it will be a mighty reunion. We might even have a beer or two. 


  1. The models look good, you know Maiden's going to be awesome, and I hope you have a great time with your brother!

  2. Fine looking figures Aaron. Enjoy the concert, catch-up and beers. Raise the horns!
    Regards, James

  3. I am excited for you sir! Looks like your staying in the saddle and moving your project right along. Bravo!


  4. Excellent figures, and Up The Irons!!

  5. Looking great Aaron. Hopefully Iron Maiden will treat you to a rendition of Alexander the Great!


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