
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Project Management

I've finally picked up the paintbrush again this week and am back thinking about how much painting there is left for me to get through.

When I first started wargaming my ambition was to be able to field Romans and Carthaginians. After I met Luke Ueda-Sarson and was introduced to his magnificent Naismith Macedonian army, it became apparent that I needed Macedonians as well. But from such modest beginnings, as we all well know, ambitions just tend to expand.

Looking at all of my unpainted or half-painted stuff, I've been trying to think what I would be satisfied with. By satisfied, I mean feeling that I would never need to paint another thing again, except perhaps to replace something that broke, or to get an extra unit of something here or there for a particular occasion.

Anyway, this is what I've come up with. If I had all these done, I could officially retire the paintbrushes.

Ancients (15mm):
Mid-Republican Romans; late Republican Romans (x2); Carthaginians; Iberians; Gauls; Greeks (x2); Macedonians/Successors (x2); Persians.

Dark Ages (15mm):
Saxons; 'Arthurians'; late Romans (East and West); Vikings; Normans; Bretons.

Medieval (15mm):
Crusaders; Saracens; 100 Years War English; 100 Years War French; Burgundian allies.

Age of Rifles (1:72):
Union; Confederates.

20th Century (1:300):
WWII Commonwealth; WWII US; WWII Germans; '70s-'80s US; '70s-'80s Russians; '70-'80s British

Naval (1:3000):
Japanese, US, British & German fleets for WWII actions.

Air (1:600):
British, German, US & Japanese for WWII actions

Fantasy (28mm):
Dwarves; Orcs and Goblins

I would dearly love Wars of the Roses, English Civil War, 7 Years War and Napoleonic armies as well, but I think that would be just getting ridiculous.

So how am I looking in terms of completion? Well, I'm about a third of the way to where I'd like to be. Chances are therefore that I'll never reach the 'fully satisfied' stage!

It would be interesting to hear from other wargamers how close to 'fully satisfied' they might be.


  1. I have made these kind of lists many times, only to let myself be seduced by a new period and completely lose focus. I might have a go at making another list and putting it on my blog though.

    1. I'll keep an eye out for it!

    2. Done - and I've also laid down a challenge for other bloggers to do the same!

  2. During the school summer holidays, following a house move, I've spent a great deal of time (measured in days), cataloging my collection. I've come to the realisation that what I own has expanded past what I could hope to realistically paint and has morphed into a collection (for the sake of collecting).
    I used to have a number, or size, in my head of how many painted armies I would need to own before becoming 'fully satisfied', but at some point I transgressed those boundaries. It was facilitated by an agreement I made with my spouse - if I gave up smoking, I could spend that money on models. Twelve years later and I'm still going.

    I think I continue to collect because I love that feeling of 'potential' - whether that relates to projects yet to be started, old favourites being revisited or brand projects that have inspired me.

    1. Well, it would certainly be remiss of you not to stick to the terms of your agreement, so I think it is a matter of honour to continue buying models! I know what you mean though about collecting for collecting's sake. I'm a bit like that with board games...

    2. There's also a caveat within the terms of the deal - if I start smoking again, she'll decapitate them. I pretty sue she's joking...

    3. Hmm, no sense in taking a risk though!

  3. Completion!? What is this strange concept? Good luck...

    1. Yes, it is a bit of a foreign concept. Nice idea in the abstract though!

  4. I had a plan for a pair of armies each year for the next five years. I have to say, that has been overly optimistic :-)

  5. You certainly have your bucket list, Aaron. I try to paint stuff which I intend to use in a particular game. That said, I usually host games and supply all figures and terrain. In fact, I have some Napoleonics that need to be gamed again. So, I suppose I am pretty satisfied with what I now have.

    1. A man after my own heart, Dean! I also plan to supply both sides where possible. To be honest, I could probably stop painting now and be pretty happy with what I already have, but given what's in the lead pile, I should make an effort to clear it!

  6. You certainly have your bucket list, Aaron. I try to paint stuff which I intend to use in a particular game. That said, I usually host games and supply all figures and terrain. In fact, I have some Napoleonics that need to be gamed again. So, I suppose I am pretty satisfied with what I now have.

  7. I am fully satisfied that I may never stop painting!

    I do occasionally reflect on down-sizing to focus on fewer periods but that has not happened yet.

    1. I hope you never do stop painting, Jonathan! You seem to be a guy who really enjoys the painting process. I'm not so enamoured of it, but once I start I do find it relaxing and it's quite fulfilling when you get a unit (or, even better, army!) done.

    2. Aaron, I enjoy everything about the hobby!
      Painting, for me, is a relaxing undertaking.

    3. And it shows in the quality and quantity of your painting output, Jonathan. I am constantly in awe, but I am also so pleased that a fellow who I am sure contributes so much in his professional life is able to find a way to take such productive rest :)

  8. Have you not read this blog post: ?

    One of my most popular posts eer.

    1. As a prime catalyst, I believe it would be only fair for you to share with me the vast riches you have amassed as a result of it ;-)

      Seriously though, a great article, and thanks for reminding me of it.


    2. If only. I wrote that before I put the adverts on the blog :-( .

      Of course, now I'm semi-retired I ignore all that advice and just buy stuff.

    3. We only have ourselves to please really. I find I'm becoming increasingly fickle!

  9. I enjoy the painting craft aspect I guess and gaming is a bonus, I do try and restrict what I get, obviously I get too much and am slower in reality at painting then I am in my head, but I guess I'll just have to accept that, there is no finished as far as I'm concerned I guess.
    Best Iain

    1. Well, if you love the painting and the craft, why would you need to finish? Good on you! Personally, I'd like to see a bit more progress, given how much lead I've invested in :)

      Cheers, and thanks for dropping by Iain,

  10. When it comes to the hobby my own project management is eclectic and dilatory. That said I've found the following useful. Paint the minimum number of units per side you need for a game. Anything over is a bonus.

    For your wish list you could try Dan Mersey's various rules-not too figure heavy.

    1. Good thinking OB - Dux Bellorum is my poison. I might go for Lion Rampant at some stage, too.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Another great article, Aaron! Great to see how others come at this hobby. I love painting so I won't stop until I have to. For plans, I figure out what local players are playing and go there. Lately, its Saga and Bolt Action.

    I work FIFO with a queue of 1 unpainted SAGA warband and some Napoleonic Russians waiting for local players to join up. Both might get traded/sold if times and tastes change. Since I'm not a collector, I'm ruthless with my painted and unpainted forces. Here today, gone tomorrow.

    1. Hey Monty, thanks for dropping by! I know how prolific you are and how ruthless you can be with moving things on. I don't know how you manage either, but I have stolen and put to good use a few of your painting tips!

