
Monday, August 28, 2017

More grist to the Dux Bellorum mill

I am very happy to report a new batch of figures done. These are in fact the first figures I've managed to get painted all year, which is pretty poor, even by my generally miserable standards!

They are a mix of Essex 15mm Dark Age cavalry and Frankish cavalry and were the last lot to do for my Normans/Saxons/Vikings Dux Bellorum project. I say Dux Bellorum, but they can be used for any 'unit-based' rules-sets, such as the Neil Thomas rules, Impetus, or whatever.

They had been sitting in a box for quite a while. I don't know if you've ever had that feeling after you've made a big push to get most of a project done that the bits and pieces - the non-essentials - can be quite a bit of a mental hurdle. It's not so bad if it's twelve generic foot or something, but when it's 30 cavalry it's a little more than just a night's work! Anyway, I couldn't face doing so many leftovers in one go after having maxed out on Normans, Vikings and Saxons, so into a box they went.

But they've been done in the end. For this project I've been using a simple dip method: block colours in, give a darker wash for horse tails etc, then give everything my acrylic dip treatment. I may then highlight a very select few things (the odd cloak, a leader's helmet, but that's it), base on 60x40, and hit the varnish. It really does help get troops on the table.

Anyway, here they are. Still needing their matt varnish and flock, but aside from that, done. Phew! The year is still young - could even get a few more batches done...


  1. First figures finished all year? Shocking! At least, it is a start and there is time left to crank out more.

    1. You're quick off the mark, Jonathan! Yes, it's been a year of other priorities. But I have a short window of opportunity now...

  2. 30 cavalry done is 30 more than there was last month, eh?
    Seize the window opportunity to paint some more while it is open!

    1. Indeed - but I could also use this time to set up a boardgame. Decisions, decisions :)

  3. Nice cavalry Aaron! Sometimes painting is just a grind and you're better off doing something else...

    1. Thanks Mike! I agree, so when the mood comes upon you on it's best to take advantage!

  4. Good to hear you're back in the saddle, so to speak :) I am also a firm believer in the block painting - followed by staining method. I use Minwax as I've never mastered the "Magic Wash" mix with Future floor wax. Anyway, nice results for a good batch of cavalry.

    1. Thanks Dean. Mine is a local acrylic stain for doing things around the house. My trick is to dip the brush in water before I put it into the mixture, which stops it from going on too heavy and dark. Amazing what a difference it makes to the old production line!


  5. Nice work on these cavalry miniatures Aaron! I know the feeling you describe well, I need to delve into other periods or armies to keep up interest in painting. Although I have found that wanting to "game" a certain battle has helped me focus on a project but as you say the "non essential" additions are easily put off.
