
Monday, May 14, 2012

Getting back into the swing of things

With summer and its excessive humidity fast approaching time is running out for my annual spring priming session.  I did however manage to sneak in a couple of hours with the file, pin vise and glue this afternoon, and have made some reasonable progress with my Xyston Gallic cavalry. 

It took a bit of work to get them to fit neatly on the horses but I think they'll look quite impressive once painted up.  There is a nice variety of poses and they should do the business for the Punic, Gallic and Roman Civil wars.

Well, back to the workbench!


  1. wow. How many horsemen do you have there?

  2. That is an impressive bunch and I do love Xyston. I'd run away if they showed up at my door.

  3. There are 48 of them, and they're not going to paint themselves, unfortunately! I think I'll be checking out you two fellows' blogs to get some inspiration. You both do lovely work, and know how to do justice to good figures.


  4. Good luck Aaron, that's a lot of Gaul!

  5. Thanks Paul - it is indeed a lot of Gaul. But as all Gauls are divided into three parts, we'll do them piece by piece ;-)

  6. Oooh, I spot Galatians on the horizon; I really have to get my catafracts done for a you-know-what battle...

  7. Are they still languishing on a side table Luke? Can't get past those Russians, I imagine!

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