
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Wargaming on

It seems - looking around the blogosphere - that I am not alone in currently going through something of a down phase in the wargaming cycle. 

The aspects of wargaming I get the most enjoyment out of are (in no particular order) finishing up a painting programme, getting my teeth into a set of rules, seeing a game set up and ready to go, and writing about our little hobby.

At the moment however, none of those hold much appeal. I do set up the odd game, but blogging about it feels more like a chore than a joy right now.

Still, I am not closing up shop, and do look forward to adding to the post tally given time and rejuvenated interest.

Until then, take care all!


  1. Aaron, I have always though it better for the post to chase the game rather than the other way around, so better to hold off posting and just enjoy whatever hits the table to your own satisfaction and timetable until such times that you feel inclined to spill the 'e-ink' again.

    Blogs can be hungry companions and sometimes I feel they just need to be tamed, so that they remain secondary and not primary to actual quality time wargaming.

    I have recently done a 3 post blog series and that started to feel like work by the time I reached the final post and most recently, I did quite a bit of learning for a napoleonic boardgame, prepped a significant intro for a blog post, played the game for 2 hours and stopped at the point which it just wasn't working for me - since I only write about things I like, I have deleted the draft post and photos that I had started, simply because I would rather keep the blog in the shadow of my gaming schedule, but that has taken the wind out of my blogging sails for a bit, while I re-direct myself to something else that may be worthy of the ink.

    I fancy these sort of things are cyclical.

    1. Norm, your comment that,

      "Blogs can be hungry companions and sometimes I feel they just need to be tamed, so that they remain secondary and not primary to actual quality time wargaming."

      is really interesting and insightful on a philosophical level. I would enjoy seeing you expand on this notion in a blog post when your gaming schedule allows, of course.

    2. Yes, it might be interesting to do that, especially as I am in reflective mood after closing down my Commanders site as it had lost its way and probably needs some re-direction.

    3. "Blogs can be hungry companions" - very neatly put!

      I think the main thing for me is that there is just too much going on at the moment to find the time to even play. Shockingly enough, I've not painted a figure since early 2019, which is far too long!

    4. Norm is right enjoy what you do first then share it.

  2. These are singular times, Aaron. I see many utilizing these times to focus more on our hobby. I hope the wargaming bug takes hold another day.

    1. Sure are Jonathan! I'm sure it will, but it is a bit of a shame to have lost all momentum :)

  3. As you state in your blog post, you are experiencing something that quite a few wargamers are or have had to deal with recently. It can be difficult to get motivated, and trying to paint figures, wargame, and blog can be several things too many.

    We all find our way out of this, and you will as well. For what it is worth, my advice would be to take things easy, and do what you fell like doing when you feel like doing it.

    All the best,


  4. I felt the same, though I'm used to that and not bothered too much by it. Looking at a new blog in order to find stuff to read helped me. Above all else wargaming and blogging should be fun, so if you don't feel like it, I'll just patiently wait :)

    1. Good philosophy, Pascal. If it's not fun don't force it!


  5. Yes sometimes it's easy to find something to blog about other times you end up scratching your head for ideas .

    1. Very true. Having a few things newly painted to report on is always a good start!

  6. It's a weird time. I am painting big armies that are only suitable for conventions, and yet, the possibility of a convention in the next 6 (9? 12?) months seems fleeting. go figure! :-) I'm sure something will tickle your fancy, wargamingwise, though, in the next few months. All the best, Simon

    1. Thanks BRB. It is a strange time all right. Glad to hear that you are putting it to good use! I was tempted to join you fellows with the TTS! tournaments online, but work and family have had to take precedence this last wee while. Hope to get involved at some stage.


  7. Good to hear a little from you, Aaron! I'd imagine things are still setting in after the big move, and the pandemic has just altered things so much. You might think about participating in a game by Zoom or similar if the spirit moves you!

    1. Hello Peter, lovely to hear from you, too! Yes, plenty going on, though we are reasonably sheltered from much of it compared to the rest of the world, luckily. Zoom could indeed be the way to go. I did really enjoy Norm's Germantown game a few months ago, so definitely opportunities around to use technology for good rather than evil!

      Hope you are well :)

  8. I've found you cannot force it Aaron and if you try it's likely the result won't satisfy.

    When you are ready it will all come together nicely and the enthusiasm will shine through.

    I like to keep in mind it's a hobby not a job.

  9. 100% agree with some of the other comments here. The hobby is always cyclic. You'll find your mojo when you're ready.

  10. Been struggling for hobby time so when I get a chance I've been focusing on painting and modeling, I enjoy blogging but I agree at times it can become a chore. My latest post was going to be 3 posts but I just slapped a load of pics into 1 to save faff!
