
Friday, May 15, 2020

Book buying spree

Now that NZ has come out of full lockdown and into a 'managed' normal, it was a great relief to see that my favourite (though sadly only) secondhand bookshop in driving distance has reopened. It was only right, meet and good to go there and splurge in votive thanks as soon as I was able.

Fortunately, there were three cracking coffee-table hardcovers with Prufrock written all over them:

1) Peter Connolly's Greece and Rome at War
2) Peter McIntyre's Peter McIntyre: War Artist
3) Barry Cunliffe's Rome and Her Empire

All three have some sort of sentimental value for me, and were swiftly snaffled. The first because it's a classic that I did not have in the collection, the second because I used to read it at my grandfather's house (and he'd fought in some of the places and actions depicted), and the third because I remember looking it over admiringly at the library as a youngster.

A good lunch-break's work, I think.


  1. Nice acquisitions Aaron, I love browsing in second hand bookshops, looking for that elusive bargain. Conolly's book is a classic.

  2. Peter McIntyre's work is fantastic. I have a book of his non-war paintings in the collection. Should really look for the war one. I should also get a copy of Connolly's book for my shelf.

    1. Yes, brings back a few memories going over his art again. Some wonderful images.

  3. Thanks Aaron I didn't know about the Cunliffe book must get one too.

    1. Thanks OB. I got lost in it for about two hours the other night after dinner!

  4. Peter Connellys stuff is ace, I still have the three books of his that I bought in the late 1970's which I think are the basis for Greece and Rome at war,wonderful clarity in his illustrations! Ah, second hand bookshops, one day!
    Best Iain

    1. It is. Was really pleased to find it so unexpectedly. The joys of bookshops! Cheers!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Peter! Loved those Turkish and Venetian galleys you posted the other day.

  6. We are having a mess of it in the States still, I live in the county in Michigan that has been hit hardest with half the total infections and deaths of total cases in Michigan. What a mess. I read a news piece about NZ handling of it and happy to hear they have a handle on it and that you and yours are safe.

    Enjoy those books Aaron.


    1. Yeah, pretty rough for you guys. Glad to hear you are still bearing up. How's that programming you were working on going?

  7. Great to hear Aaron love Connolly's book must have for ancients fans, not familiar with the others will have to check them out!

    1. Yep, nice to finally snaffle a copy. Can I call myself an ancients wargamer now? :)

    2. Go on then :-D

      When it comes to ancients wargaming I always check your blog first Aaron!
