
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Big changes

Well, it's now official: in February I'm upping sticks and heading back to New Zealand. It's a move that's been a couple of years in the making. Work, schooling, life, bureaucracy, illnesses, and some significant deaths on both sides of the family have pushed the timing back repeatedly. In fact, now that the kids are two years older than they were when the original plans were made, it's been a much harder decision to finally take, and I'm no longer quite as convinced as I was before that it's the right one.

But better men than me have said things to the effect that, when in doubt, you should take the braver option, so that's what I've done.

As it stands, I'm going back to find work and spend some time with my parents (the old man is not in the greatest health) and the rest of the family will follow when the moment is right.

The last few days then have seen books and games being glanced over with a cold eye, and either packed into boxes for shipping or loaded into shelves for 'redistribution'.  Then it will come to the lead. Even before I take the armies into account, the number of boxes I've been filling would make a man's eye water!

Further down the line there will also be the small matter of a blog re-brand - I can hardly call myself a wargamer in Japan if I don't live here.

So big changes are afoot, and this Christmas / New Year will be seasoned with a peppy mix of excitement and trepidation!


  1. Good luck with everything and a Happy Christmas to you and yours!

  2. Good luck with the move back to NZ Aaron! Have a great Xmas and New Year.

  3. Good luck, Aaron; I hope everything works out most excellently.

  4. Best of luck in your life change, Aaron. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

  5. I hope all works out well and that you land in a good place for yourself and family (and hobby!).

  6. Ever onwards and upwards, wishing you a smooth transition.

  7. Good luck with the move! I hope it all works well.

  8. Good luck with everything, and all the best.Have a great Christmas and new year

  9. Good luck old fruit, try not to "redistribute" too much of your stuff.

  10. Best of luck with the move, have a good Christmas,my grandad was sent from Japan to Ireland in about 1890 as a child and it worked out alright for him!
    Best Iain

  11. All the best, Aaron, and have a great Xmas. Where abouts are you heading too?

    1. Hi Nate, Nelson to start with. Whereabouts are you?

    2. Rotorua, so a little out of the way. Doesn't mean our paths won't cross at some point!

  12. Good Luck Aaron. Happy holidays to you and yours.

  13. God speed to you/family and your quest! It's not the path but the journey, embrace it all.


  14. Many thanks for the encouraging words, all! Much appreciated :)

  15. Welcome back to NZ! There's a regular ancients crew in Nelson playing ADLG, and some other gamers. I'm in Chch and have played them over last couple of years.

    1. Thanks Chasseur - and that's very good news about the ancients crew in Nelson. Will have to try and make contact with them.


  16. Good luck with the move Aaron. You have mentioned it a few times and so it is finally happening. A big life change and here is hoping the stress will not be too overwhelming.

    Never been to the South Island but the North twice so you never know - may catch up with you one day when we get around to going back to NZ for a holiday.

    1. Thanks Shaun - yes, it's been a long time coming! Have family in Oz so many even get over your way at some stage.

  17. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Aaron! Best wishes for your homecoming next year too!

    1. Many thanks, Dean. All the best to you and yours for the holiday season and the new year!

  18. Best of luck with the move, and a very Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  19. Wow big news indeed! I hope it all works out for you and goes smoothly Aaron! The though of moving all the minis :-O

    1. Haha, yes, but preparation is underway. I hope it works out, because otherwise I'll have to bring everything BACK to Japan as well - and it will be a very expensive pain in the backside! :)
