
Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Next off the painting conveyor belt is a bunch of Persian horse. These make a start on the Late Achaemenid army I have had languishing in tool boxes for about ten years.

These should really be fancier, but I can always come back later and add a little bit of decoration to the tunics.

For now I just want to make some progress in reducing the number of the boxes I have full of prepped and undercoated figures...

These are mostly Old Glory 15s, with a couple of Essex in there as well.

It wasn't all plain sailing though - I managed to knock over and spill my decade old bottle of magic acrylic stain tonight, so I'm going to have to head down to the local hardware store tomorrow and see if they still stock any of the same brand, and hope that if they do, the formula hasn't changed!


As an aside, I've noticed that in the last calendar month I've managed to knock out 170 foot and 27 horse, which must just about be a record for me. I still have a couple of days to go, so might have to pull finger and get something more finished, just to make sure!


  1. Good work on your Persian Horse! Transferring figures from one box (unpainted) to another box (painted) is the right direction to be moving. You have moved a lot of figures in that direction in September.

    Great job!

    1. Certainly makes a change to be heading in the right direction!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Norm - I need to tap the enthusiasm while it lasts, I think!

  3. They look great as is,but I suppose you can add more bling later,if thats how these troops are supposed to look. BTW, I discovered I must've not sealed my can of Minwax properly,as there was an 1/8th inch hardened film when I reopened the can.

    1. Ouch, can you scrape the film off and salvage the rest, do you think?

    2. I think the remainder can be salvaged. When I get a film on the top of Minwax can, I remove the film and then add a bit of paint thinner if the stain is too thick.

    3. Yes, I did.although I may need to add some thinner as it got a bit thick.

  4. So many colorful and beautiful Persians, great job!

    1. Thank you Phil! Great to see you again. I have just seen my 'blogs I follow' was not showing your page - it is now remedied :)

  5. They look the part! Getting all these figures done this month is an impressive feat!

  6. I like your Persians; it is one of the classic Ancient armies that I lack (aside from the much later Sassanid version), and once I finish my massive Macedonian expansion, I may have to remedy that!

    1. When added on top of the fiddly clothing, the sheer numbers required has always put me off..

    2. I've always found them daunting, for some reason. But this experiment seems to show it's nothing that yellows, whites, reds, greens and a bit of dip can't deal with though, if you are prepared to get stuck in (he says having put away the paints and pulled out the gaming board!).

