
Monday, July 17, 2017

Local Model Display

My mate at the local hobby shop told me about a display that was on over the long weekend here, so I popped along for a look. The quality was quite astounding, and the finishing, especially on the model cars and bikes (which I didn't photograph) was really something. I wish I spoke Japanese well enough to ask for tips!

Anyway, here are a few photos of some of the models that were on display.

This was 1/300

This one 1/700

These chibi tanks were quite cute. They also had 'Girls Und Panzer', but I drew the line at that.

Something steam-punky. Probably Studio Ghibli-inspired.

It was great to see such a popular show in such a little place.


  1. Some seriously good work there

  2. KV-2s tend took have a Chibi look at the best of times.

  3. Love the Japanese air crew working on planes on the carrier, and the water effects, and flags flying at different locations caught my eye as well. Sweet pictures, thanks for sharing!


  4. Very nice. I wish they had shows around here.

  5. Very nice. I wish they had shows around here.
