
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Navwar order

There was a nice visit from the postman today to drop off an order I put in with Navwar last week. The parcel was sent last Thursday and arrived this, so that's pretty good timing.

I was a little apprehensive about ordering through Navwar due to their old school system, but I needn't have been. The service was excellent and I shouldn't have waited so long to get on the horse..

Anyway, first up is a US early war starter pack.

Next is the US late war starter pack.

There is also a selection of goodies for some 'Four Against Japan' early Pacific War scenarios from the very useful Fire on the Waters site, and - I couldn't resist - Bismarck, Prinz Eugen, Hood and Prince of Wales for one of the first naval battles I read about as a kid. I still remember feeling devastated reading of the loss of the Hood.

So, plenty to keep me going here!


  1. Tony at Navwar is a retail dinosaur but his service is strangely always good wherever in the world you order from.

    1. I enjoyed the interaction! Nice to talk to a human again in this day and age of shopping carts and paypal :)

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, opponents for the IJN I've been collecting recently!

  3. Will you be using hexes for the naval games?

    1. Probably just a mat and ruler, Norm. Getting a hex mat sent over would stretch the wargaming budget a little too far!

  4. What rule set? We used to do Victory at Sea but find General Quarters to be much better.

    1. Probably Naval Thunder, but thinking about GQ, especially if it comes recommended by your good self. Which edition to you use, Phil?

  5. Thinking back, the Battle of Denmark Strait was one of the first naval battles that I recall too - in my case it was from watching Sink the Bismarck! (1960) - I love that era of British movies (the model-maker's art still ruled the movie business!). Looking forward to your project. I came into naval gaming through Grand Fleets - I own Naval Thunder but never given it a decent go. Never tried GQ.

  6. Tony at Navwar is always good with his turnaround times. Assuming you have access to a fax or post box!
