
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Dark Age batch

It's been a while between brush strokes but there are finally some newly painted figures at house Prufrock. They are all part of my Dark Age 60mm base project and there is a real mix of figures. The bulk of them are Essex (DBA pack), but there are also a few Feudal Castings chaps and some others I don't know the make of.

These have all been done with a 'block 'em, dip 'em and forget 'em' philosophy, so you won't see any fancy stuff here, I'm afraid.

As you can see from the pictures, the basing is all over the place. I tried to give myself gradations between the huscarls, bondi and skirmish types (with a berserker base for good measure), but being realistic you might say that I don't have much clue. If you were to be more charitable, you might allow that I am 'basing to my own specifications.' It's to be hoped that it turns out to be the latter!

Most of these were primed very badly (my fault of course), so for extra durability I want to give them a satin varnish, Klear wash and matt varnish before flocking the bases.

Anyway, it's good to have something to show for the year.

By the bye, I'm not sure what make these fellows are, but they are quite clearly sculpted in a different style from the rest. If you know whose they are, I'd really appreciate it if you'd leave a comment.


  1. Wow Aaron. Those look great. It's hard to believe they're 15mm.

    1. Thanks Aaron! For me they lack a bit of 'pop' but will do. Amazing how much you can get done once you embrace the dip (and allow yourself to cut a few corners)!

  2. Look like Mikes Models, still available as a special order from Essex.

  3. Avec les socles de 60 mm de front ils ont combien de profondeur ? piétons - montées - Artillerie etc
    Et le terrain est de 90cm par 90cm ?

    C'est un choix original pour des démonstration ?


    1. Merci beaucoup! Mon français est pas bon, mais ces chiffres sont des règles 'Dux bellorum'. 60 x 30 pour pied, 60 x 40 pour la cavalerie. Ceci est mon propre régime, mais les règles sont flexibles. Google translate c'est magnifique!

      I hope that makes some sense to you :)

      Best wishes,
