
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Fluffy Boa Puzzle Mat: where have you been all my life?

I popped into the hundred yen store yesterday to pick up some tape for work, and as I hadn't been there for a while I had a quick scour of the usual sections to see if there was anything that could be put to honest wargaming use.

Lo and behold, there was a sight for terrain mat hunting eyes: 30cm square interlocking foam mats, topped with a greenish teddy bear fur type material.

I grabbed four to take home and check out (I could always use them as an actual mat, I said to myself...). They looked OK, so I went in again to get another sixteen (the final sixteen, it so happens!) so that I can do a 4' by 5' Lost Battles board.

In their packages...

Set up for Lost Battles' size

With a different filter which is closer to the actual colour of the material.
 Considering how much money I've spent on spraypainting carpet, curtains, bits of felt, etc. (not to mention flocking foam boards), I think getting this lot for less than US$20 is very reasonable indeed!


  1. Replies
    1. Too right, Shaun! Great find. I think I can chuck out a few old bits and pieces now :)

  2. What an excellent find! I am extremely envious!

    All the best,


    1. Cheers Bob - it's the kind of thing you always hope to see, but very rarely do!


  3. Replies
    1. Will hopefully give them a test of battle soon!

  4. Replies
    1. Might have to get a second set, just in case ;-)

  5. Replies
    1. They are pretty much the perfect mat for 15mm ancients, so it was a very lucky find :)

  6. Terrific find - good eye there! I have seen others use the uncoated versions of this product, but they always looked a bit off. But, the fuzziness helps to hide the joins, and the color is nice also.

    There is a product remotely similar on Amazon, but in a lurid shade of green...

    1. Yes, having picked up similar things before that weren't quite right, it was nice to find that this will do the job!

  7. great find Aaron. I checked Google to see if they were available in other locations but couldn't find any.

  8. Hi There,as modelers we are the ultimate scavengers, always on the look out for unusual stuff,and it`s good to pass on information to others about our find,and our bright hoarding of stash! Beano Boy

    1. You're right, BB. The scavenging is half the fun, I reckon!

  9. Hello

    I am the administrator of CIBO's LITTLE DUDED

    we would like to offer you a free sample of our unique miniature, you can see and review them, please can you send us an address

    We are starting our e commerce and we are freely ope to any suggestion you can made

    Kind regards

    1. Thanks for the kind thought Claudia, but your figures are not really my era, so I'm afraid that any review of mine would not be much use to you!

      Best wishes for your ventures though.


  10. Having seen these in the flesh today, I can confirm they are great. So I went to the shop he spotted them in, and saw 10, which I immediately picked up; 100 yen each. But only 10... I'll be looking for more! Mine were more beige; I intend to give them a little spay of green here and then to give them a more organic feel. I will use them for both "To the Strongest" and "Lost Battles".

    I reckon I can strip off the top layer to make roads and rivers in them dead easy too...
