
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Saxons and the dip: before and after.

This was going to be a quick, somewhat smug, post about how pleased I am with the dip method. I have a bunch of before dip photos (seen below), after which I dipped, highlighted, did the metallics and then sprayed with matt varnish. Sadly, despite doing a test figure that had no ill-effects, the Japanese humidity has ruined me. They are all struck with the dreaded frost!

Anyway, as a lesson for me, here are the befores (gray undercoat, black wash on armour, block painting the rest):

And the afters: dip, antique silver on the armoured bits, matt spray and... frosting!

I'll get up early in the morning before the humidity gets too high and give them another whack with gloss varnish to see if I can fix it thataway. If not, apparently olive oil does the trick. I am not too keen on having figures covered in olive oil though, so let's hope the gloss works!


  1. That is a bad break, for sure! The photos do not show any frosting but gloss spray often does the trick towards recovery. Never heard of using olive oil. What is the process for that remedy?

    1. That was quick! The worst part is on the shields, so if the gloss doesn't work I'll just repaint those. Apparently with the olive oil you put some a little onto a brush and simply go over the figures.

  2. Ouch! hope you can fix the frosting.

  3. That is so annoying, I've had the same experience, another light wash with the dip over the frosting, usually works. Never had a problem with humidity using Testor's Dullcote varnish even when raining outside.

  4. Bummer about the frost; I've heard somewhere that a coat of gloss - followed by matte could fix it. Best to test a few figs first though, of course.

  5. The pics look great. I've not had that problem before, first I've heard of it. My frost comes from putting to much dull coat on. I hope it's an easy fix so your not back to square one with the time saving thing.


  6. Thanks all, the gloss spray worked, so we're fine. I was a little worried last night though!

  7. If you don't have an indoor spray spot, wait for a dry day and try the matte varnish again. Glad you didn't lose your cool and do something rash like stripping the figures down!
