
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

New boardgames

A very interesting and quick playing Waterloo simulation arrived in the mail the other day. This is from an outfit in Finland, U&P Games, and comes highly recommended by Phil Sabin. Besides looking rather pretty, the game ships to Japan for a very reasonable price. 

(Edit, see here for a review of the game by Steven M on his blog).

And while we're talking boardgames, I've just finished prepping a solitaire print-and-play game called "Roman Conqueror" from Berserker Games. It took quite a while to do; I put the counters (and there is a decent number!) onto the cardboard I use for my miniatures bases. Next time I think I'll follow the designer's instructions instead of trying to produce materials fit to survive a nuclear war!

Anyway, more on these in due course.


  1. My Waterloo has arrived, too. Need to try it out!

  2. Waterloo game looks interesting.
    Playable in 15 minutes? That is a quick one.
    Hope you will give us a replay.

  3. Both games look interesting. 15 minutes? wow!

    1. It's an amazingly innovative game. Lots of possibilities with this type of system, I reckon.
