
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Home stretch.

Now doing the final touch ups for my second army of RCW Romans. Last batch of figures (37 Donningtons) has been painted using the super quick brown undercoat method, and it's just a case of checking belts, scabbards, plumes, helmet cheek guards, and other bits and pieces and making sure that the various paint jobs match OK.

I say "just", but it's still taken three or four hours work!

Next post should be one of relief that it's finally over!


  1. Well...the pictures are a bit distant. As Mark Knoffler would sing, "There so far away from me. So far I just can't see." ;) Looking forward to the finished product. has the process increased your paint speed any?

    1. Nice call - I was listening to Dire Straits while painting the things, funnily enough! Yes, the brown undercoat has definitely sped things up. It only took 3 nights to do the Donnington reinforcements; would have taken 5 with my usual method, I'd say.

  2. Getting ahead of Pharsalus, Aaron? Hang in there! :-)

    1. Yep, this time battle day will be catching up with me ;-)

  3. Did Japan run out of beer or something? Sheesh....

    Your Romans look great!
