
Monday, December 22, 2014

W.I.P: Cataphracts

After a discussion on the SoA forum that touched on the battle of Magnesia, I was tempted to set up the table last night for another go of the Lost Battles scenario. In looking at the OOB I remembered that I still needed to paint up a couple of units of QRF cataphracts that I had bought for this very battle a few years ago.

Fortunately, half of them were already primed, so I thought I might quickly paint them up and do the battle over the New Year break.

I'm trying a different technique for the armour: metallic paints followed by a wash of Tamiya smoke mixed with a little black.  I'm now in the process of painting in the details, but I think it works better than the gray undercoat and wash which I use for lorica hamata and similar.


  1. They look great, Aaron! Nice and shiny.

  2. Those QRF Cataphracts look to be very nice figures. Much more character than some of the others available.

  3. Good looking figures and nice to see activity on your painting table.

  4. Great idea you have Aaron, with the colors to be used for these great looking figures...


  5. Nice Aaron,

    I like to prime black when doing a large area of armor. Then I paint black on it, and then carefully dry brush Tamiya Gun Metal followed by another layer of even lighter dry brushing of Tamiya Chrome Silver. If I screw up then I give it a black wash and go in for touch ups if needed. You might want to try that sometime. But yours look good just the same.


  6. They look really nice. Well done.

  7. Thanks very much, gentlemen. Have been trying to get the various colour combinations right for the horse tack. It's taken a bit of time, but we're getting there!

  8. This blog is practically begging for a year end retrospective on your favorite works this year!

    I always feel really relaxed looking at these minis on your blog. It's a nice way to unwind after a long day. Cool stuff, man!

    1. Cheers Brad, I must say again that I always enjoy having a browse at your gaming write-up!

    2. Thanks man! Hope you're having a good end of the year. Have a great 2015!
