
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Pompeians done.

Well, it can be done - even after all motivation seems to have been lost and all inspiration gone, something can for some mysterious reason click!  The quick pace was mainly due to the fact that all but 76 of these were already painted, and so most just needed touching up and bringing into line.

The basing is to allow 16 'average' units of 18 men for  Lost Battles. They will be matched for Civil War battles by Caesarians having 16 units of 'veteran' units of 12, with a few extras to top some up to 'average' size as needed for larger battles against a common foe.

Nice to have another army done.

The cavalry will be drawn from my Gauls, Republican Romans, Numidians and, once they are painted, my Greek/Eastern types.

I'm going to be away for a month after this and don't expect to be able to blog much in that time, so will probably see you all in November at some stage.

Until then, cheers, and many thanks for all the encouragement you chaps have provided as I try to get back into the swing of things again.


  1. The swathes of blue shields really produces a striking effect.

    Enjoy your time away!

  2. great work on these marvelous figures.

  3. Very impressive! A grand looking sight

  4. Terrific, Aaron! Great to see that your mojo has returned. :-)

  5. Well done Aaron, you've got a shedload of these fellows!

    I know it's slightly out of era but I wonder how they'd do against my Dacians? With your numbers, I'm sure they'd roll.

  6. Most excellent. They look great en masse like that.

  7. Great looking army, really impressive!

  8. Quite a sight! Well done on getting through them.

  9. Thanks for your kind comments, all. See you in a month :)

  10. Are you going to color code the Caesarians? Where are you off to?

  11. Congrats and a hardy well done!

