
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Rise of Rome Campaign play test

I got though a play test of the campaign game last night to assess where it was at.  I used a simple dice roll to resolve the battles, with the odds being either even stevens or +1 to one side of the other, depending on the historical situation.

This is the map used, though in play it became clear that it needs a few tweaks...

Map adapted from this one here.

Each turn is made up of three phases, which may be either a Roman or an enemy action, depending on a dice roll.  On an enemy action, the general result is that the dominant enemy faction attacks Roman or Roman contested territory.  Depending on the turn and the enemy, one side or the other may have an advantage in the battle.

On a Roman action, the Roman player can make an attack against enemy territory, build up fleet points (necessary for attacks across water), or attempt to pacify a contested territory.  Again, this will likely result in a battle, with the odds determined by the situation and the time.

When Carthage becomes active, the dominant enemy starts to play with a little more intelligence, using its actions to attack Sicily or Iberia instead of battering itself against Rome solely.

Changes to the map -

  • Add a sea route between Rome and the Ebro region in Iberia.  
  • Add a land route between Cisalpine Gaul and Samnium 
  • Include fleet points needed for sea movement on each route.  
  • Include a combat advantage marker to show which side (if either) has combat advantage at the present time.

Changes to the rules -

  • Build in incentives for Carthage to conquer Sicily and Iberia, perhaps in the form of stored +1 attacks to represent Hannibal's campaigns.    
  • Work out a better scheme for 'pacification' of contested territories.
  • Build in better rules for Sicily.

Changes to the info -

  • Better clarification of who holds battle advantage.
  • Create a table to show possible divergences from the historically dominant enemy

As you can see, there is still plenty to work on!  

Regarding the game, Rome got belted early on and was unable to make much headway in Samnium and Magna Graecia against determined defence.  By the time of the First Punic War, Carthage was able to take Sicily without Roman interference (despite bad dice rolls meaning it took a long time to do so) and then consolidate in Iberia.

Rome finally completed the conquest of Southern Italy just before Hannibal appeared, and at game end, thanks to his rampage, Carthage controlled most of the board, with only Rome and Magna Graecia red, and just the Ebro region contested.  


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Simon! It might actually by going somewhere, so if the trend continues it would be nice :)

  2. Great work, Aaron. I decided that it would take a full campaign turn (a season in our game) to pacify a region, even without an enemy army present. Would something like this work?

    1. Yes, it might Paul. I'm considering rolling a die for pacification, with various possible outcomes, including an enemy attack. But we'll have to see! All good fun, anyway :)
