
Monday, February 10, 2014

Three rules sets for '14

Over the last couple of weeks I've picked up a few new games and rules sets, and have pulled another couple out of the shelves with a view to expanding the range of rules I play.  These are the miniatures rules I'm keen to give some table time this year.

1) Might of Arms.  I love Lost Battles, Commands and Colors: Ancients does a job for me (though it's in New Zealand now which is a little inconvenient), I enjoy To the Strongest and have my own rules to work on, but I really want a dice and ruler ancients set that looks the part in 15mm (ie, not DBA!).  I'm hoping that this might be it.

2) Armati.  This is another dice and ruler affair I want to come back to.  I was really put off Armati after joining the yahoo group way back when I first got the rules in 2006 or 2007.  There were two camps on the yahoo group and each had a different interpretation on how to play a couple of things and these guys would get stuck into each other, often on a personal level, day after day, message after message, and couldn't let things rest.  I still gave the game a shot but I couldn't be bothered with rubbish of that ilk filling my inbox and wasn't interested in asking noob rules questions in that kind of environment so I quit the group. Now might be a good time to try the rules again (but I'm not going back to the group!).

3) Shipwreck!  These modern naval rules come highly recommended so I'm looking forward to getting them on deck.  I will probably use counters for a start, but may end up going for some NavWar fleets later on depending on how enthusiastic I can get about painting them.

That's the plan, but there's many a slip between cup and lip, as they say...


  1. I would be very interested your review of Armati.

    1. Well, all the more reason to do one :) I think Shaun has one on his blog though, so it might be best if I just post a link to his!

    2. I do not have a review! I found a couple of small Armati reviews and linked to them. Reviews are hard work so if there is something out there on the internet, I point to that instead. Armati is my favourite ancient rules set; MoA I have been keen to give a go since I got them about 10 years ago. I hope to this year and hope they meet my expectations. I have TankWreck and that looks like a decent set so hopefully ShipWreck is at least as nice as TankWreck seems.

  2. Best of luck with Shipwreck - it really is a very nice game. More of a solid framework that is very open to modifications. I like the system a lot.

    FWIW - 1/3000 ships are fun and easy to paint. Consider using 1/600 aircraft along with them - they look so much better than teeny-tiny 1/2400 helos and planes. PicoArmor and Tumbling Dice have a wide assortment.

    1. Cheers, Ski. Your blog had quite a bit to do with me ordering the rules. Thanks for the minis tips. Will investigate!

  3. I once had Armati but then loaned it to someone and now I don't!

  4. I played Armati once. Seemed OK but it wanted to class my Roman auxiliaries as LHI, which doesn't sit with how I see them. Game was enjoyable and not unbearably challenging, though.

    I'll get you the latest draft of TtS! soon, they are (at last) starting to look like a proper set of rules...

    1. Thanks, Simon! I enjoyed the Armati Chalons report, and Shaun is a fan so I'll give them a go again based on those two factors. They may suit, they may not, but it would be good to actually play it enough to be able to form an opinion one way or the other!

  5. Armati are ok but I really liked Might Of Arms Not played either in years however

  6. I'm looking forward to playing some Shipwreck with you. Of course, I'll give the others a go, too - although I've played Armati before a few times, and haven't been impressed. Some of that was bad "army lists", but there were some aspects to the rules that didn't sit well either.

    1. Yes, must start thinking about our next get-together. I'm off to NZ in April for my brother's nuptials, so it will probably have to be after that as my weekends are all full from now until then...
