
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Xyston and Essex comparison

This is just a quick comparison for an Ancmed member who is wondering about figure compatibility.

Xyston Persian command centre and left; Essex on the right.

From the rear.  Xyston figures are chunkier, but I don't think unreasonably so.

The horses: Xyston slightly longer, but the height is about the same.

Some more from different angles.

My conclusion is that they'll go together fine - especially being well-fed and caparisoned commanders - but I'm less picky than some!


  1. Thanks very much for that, I've heard for years that Xyston dont mix well, as they are really big, Thanks for dispelling that myth. I think they look fine together.

    Any chance of some infantry comparisons?


  2. I really appreciate it when bloggers take the time to do comparison posts - even if it is in a scale that I do not collect (yet... :) Thanks for that!

  3. well in a way I agree, Xyston and Essex are a hit and a miss when it comes to size comparison. Some of the foot are to big or small and some of the cavalry are to tall or short, but of the time one can mix both xyston & essex together without the problem of size. I'm bias ;o) I have painted both Xyston and Essex for years now and love them, great figures to work with.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts,


  4. I've found Essex to be slightly smaller than the "old" Xyston ranges, but close enough to use on the same base without problems. Some of the newer Xyston figs are visibly larger, however.


  5. The problem is that some of the Xyston packs are noticeably larger than others, so it's a pack-by-pack thing sometimes :)

    So don't take this as meaning that all the packs will work together!


  6. I think they mix together fine. I love the Xyston figures they have a better range and are more detailed than most 28mm figures I have. I really like the Essex 15mm biblical ranges as well.
