
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Gallic chariot test model

Here's a test model for the Gallic chariots I ordered from Old Glory 15s a while ago.  All chariots are a pain to do for someone of my limited modelling skills and general impatience, but I do love how the blighters look when they are done...


  1. Looks to have been worth the effort.

  2. Very nice!

    A potential problem with chariots is that they can look a bit artificial, if all lined up parallel to each other; it can look like a tank attack. Maybe put them at angles on the bases?

    1. There's only so much that can be done if you stick to a 40 mm square DBM base like Aaron seems to be doing. The odd one with the warrior dismounted helps in my experience.

    2. I agree. I've thought about making double or other multiple bases with multiple chariots on them, scooting in different directions. But there's not much space to play around with on a 40 x 40.

      Cheers, Simon

  3. I agree with you on the fiddliness of chariots. Yours looks good.

  4. Thanks, all! Finished the other five today. As Simon and Luke suggest, could've gone for a bit of variety, but I was a bit one-track minded. Moral of the story is check your blog comments often - you never know what bit of useful advice might be there! Cheers all
