
Friday, July 12, 2013

Cannae commences...

I've got a solo game of Cannae on the go using Lost Battles.  I'm not making much progress (due mainly to cricketing distractions), but here are a couple of shots of the 'historical' deployment anyway.

And after the Romans' first turn, in which they score a couple of hits on the enemy and advance the infantry, while - in a nod to hindsight - leaving one unit of triarii to react to any potential cavalry breakthrough.


  1. Looks great, Aaron. Lots and lots of Romans!

  2. Lovely, lovely tabletop! Looks like the Carthaginians are about to get squashed. I've thought about this battle, read about it, and gamed it. It's a mystery how Hannibal won!

  3. The game looks very good.

    When I first looked at the scenario I thought it, the map, under represented the Roman army. However, with troops deployed the game looks very good.

    Last time I played Cannae using the bordgame, I managed to replicate a Roman disaster without too much trouble...

  4. Thanks, gents! It's been a while since I've had enough space to set the table up, so I thought I'd celebrate :)

    And yes, you look at it at set up and think 'how did he win that?' Then you play through and see!
