
Friday, June 21, 2013

6mm figs for Crossfire painted

With a Crossfire game coming up on Sunday I've been trying to get a couple of companies of 6mm figs painted up quickly.  I'm still a bit unsure of the best colours for the uniforms etc. but I've done what I can in the time I've had available.

First up, Germans.

These are meant to be 1944-ish.  I undercoated them a light grey-green and then applied a series of washes.  One was the Tamiya field grey, another was the Mr. Hobby field grey, which is rather browner.  I still need to give the trousers a grey highlight and paint some of the kit (as well as flock the bases, of course!).

Next up, Americans.

These (also supposed to be 1944-ish) have been painted to the same recipe as my modern Americans.  They need a bit of olive drab in there, so I'll try to get a brush to trousers and shirts as well as kit if I have time.  It's likely however that, for the time being, undercoat with flesh and weapons picked out will probably have to do!

I'm quite keen about the game actually; I've not played Crossfire before and am really looking forward to seeing how it goes.

The next task is to do up some terrain pieces and finish learning the rules...

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