
Friday, January 18, 2013


After being inspired by Jason over at Light Bobs and Paint Blobs, I stopped in at the hardware store today and picked up a lamp for painting.  As a result, 6th Fleet got put back in its box and the figures and paints took its place on the table for what was the first decent painting session I've had for a while.

Although I have piles upon piles of boxes filled with prepped figures (and many more with unprepped), the ones I've really been wanting to finish off are my Punic War era Celtiberians.  There are about 180 of them in various stages of completion and there will be psalms in wargaming heaven when I finally get them done.

I got these little guys about seven years ago and the ones that I painted then look a bit ragged compared to the ones that I'm painting now, so the project has had to expand to bring the older paints into line with the newer ones, as I did with my other Spanish.

The truth of the matter is that this is real production line stuff.  I'm relying on the shield painting to standardize everything and hoping that the different painting styles I've gone through will, when combined within the same unit, promote a 'pleasing sense of irregularity'.  But we shall have to wait and see on that score!    

New lamp and workbench

Paionian horse having had some left over brown applied to their spears...

I'd also like to welcome Craig, who is the most recent person to have begun following my blog.  Thanks for doing so, and please feel free to introduce yourself and/or jump in with comments or criticisms any time.


  1. I hope you have as much satisfaction from your new lamp as I am having with mine. Painting has become so much easier. :-) Best wishes.

  2. Thanks, Jason. If rocketing levels of enthusiasm are anything to go by, it's doing its job!

