
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Back painting again

I've been back into the 6mm stuff over the last wee while, trying to finish up some WWII Germans and Americans for Crossfire, Spearhead, Kampfgruppe Commander and some of Phil Sabin's rules.  The girls saw me beavering away the other day and were keen to help, so I thought I'd show off some of their efforts.  

They give me a run for their money, I can tell you.

So here it is, Two Princesses' Own Regiment:

Note the careful mix of colours to denote rank and favour.

Toy Soldier style lilac dry brush over khaki base.

Nice full coverage with subtle orange highlights.

A vacuum cleaner guy who wasn't afraid to get dirty.

Custom custard doughnut hurler.

It was a good days work.  Once they've finished these off I might get them to start on my eastern phalangites.  I reckon the colours would work a treat.

Finally, here they are after inspecting the troops on parade:


  1. What fun! I think you are right about the phalangite colours. :-)


  2. I had my children (when 3 and 5) have a go with a few 20mm metal Russians I had but did not really need. They became all green, and as I had some flock out to do some bases, they flocked them all over and so they looked like swamp monsters! But they had a good time.

  3. Now you have all the minis you need to play out an assault on a Play-doh factory!

  4. Thanks, gents! It's great to get the kids involved, and the swamp monster, play-doh heroes and loud shirts are all part of the fun :)

