
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Zama with Commands & Colors: Ancients

Here are a few shots of a Commands & Colors: Ancients solo game I played tonight.  The scenario was Zama, which has the Carthaginians relying rather heavily on their elephants for the victory.

Here are some shots of the deployment.

Overall view: 

View from the Roman left:

The great Scipio himself...

The battle began with both sides advancing light troops in the centre: the Romans to pick off elephants; the Carthaginians to protect them.  Both sides took light casualties, but the elephants were unhurt.

After some re-positioning of units, Carthage made the first truly aggressive move in the sixth turn, pulling out a double time card to move up and attack on their right.

The attack was relatively successful.  A unit of hastati was dispatched and Laelius and his equites were driven off, but there were some casualties on the Carthaginian side as well.  The Romans took advantage of this and counter-attacked with an order three left, dispatching a unit of warriors to even the score at 1 banner apiece.

Laelius leads the charge...

Carthage responded with a second double time, which saw two more Roman units destroyed on their left.  The Romans fought back with another banner, leaving things at 3-2 halfway through turn 7.  On their play though, Carthage delivered a mounted charge, enabling them to bring their elephants and cavalry into the action.

A devastating sequence of pachyderm assaults saw Scipio lose his guard principes to one elephant charge...

...and his guard triarii to another!

The cavalry, however, refused to be outdone:

Thus were four Roman units destroyed in the one turn, thereby swinging the battle in Hannibal's favour, 7-2.

The Romans did not throw in the towel, but while the response was willing...

...they were unable to get passed the elephants, who claimed the last banner in battle-back.

The final scenes of slaughter have, in the interests of decency, been kept from sight, but a last view of the battlefield before the curtain falls shows us that all the action took place on the Roman left - their right did not even move!

It was an entertaining game, but Commands & Colors is not at its best solo.  As a battle of wits between well-matched players it is excellent, but I'm afraid to say that the 'pseudo-historical narrative' pales in comparison to that generated by a solo game of Lost Battles.


  1. Nostalgia, sigh... We always moved troops to protect the nellies in our games, as I see you did. For our megagame, we wrote in a special rule so that they had to start with a suicide charge.

    Cheers, Simon

  2. I'm a little embarrassed you're reading this seeing as you set the standard for how C&C:A should be played with figures, Simon!

    I agree with you that the scenario needs some special rules if you want it to play out historically.


  3. Just in case anyone does not know about Bigredbat's efforts, here's a link to his monumental and spectacular 'Operation Zama' project:

    I'd urge you to go take a look!


  4. Agreed that C&C is not at its best when played solo, but I did a series of five blog entries on doing Command and Colors solo, starting with this blog entry.

    Great battle report, board, and figures. Keep up the good work!


  5. Thanks Dale. I had a look at your solo blog this afternoon. Interesting stuff!


  6. Looks great! I've been lucky to have opponents for most C&C games. Enjoyable despite the systems problems. I've never been able to use nellies effectively.
    Your game mat looks excellent.


  7. Thanks very much, Glenn/Reg. I used to play C&C quite a lot online through the VASSAL yahoo group, but don't have enough time these days with the young 'uns about!

    How do you play yourself, with the boardgame or with figures?

    Cheers, and thanks for dropping by!

  8. Fantastic setup all round. Awesome photos.
