
Saturday, August 6, 2011

The elephant appears

I haven't been posting for a while due to busy family life while we get used to having a new little one in the house, but that's not to say I haven't been sneaking in a bit of hobby time.  I've managed to put together three Basic Impetus armies using figures left over from other projects or acquired in ebay purchases, so that has been good fun to do.

In keeping with my recent spirit of improvisation, here is a shot of a 100 yen (.80c) shop baby elephant.  I've added tusks using toothpicks, repainted it, put some white-glue reinforced paper on as a covering and glued on a mangled slinger to serve as the mahout.  Here are some in-progress shots.

With half-painted mahout glued on...

With spare rider (kindly donated by Luke some time ago) chucked on.  This is supposed to be a Carthaginian elephant, but as I said, we are improvising somewhat!


  1. Thanks for your comments, gents. I'm pleased that it's looking OK as I was a bit worried that I'd muck it up. Still potential there for that though, of course!
