
Friday, October 1, 2010

Prime horseflesh

Today dawned bright and fine, but I felt a little on edge.  How early would my wife want to hang the washing out?  How long should one reasonably leave superglue to dry?  Would I have time to spray some test figures, and could I get away with taking out the rubbish after lunch? These questions and more were on my mind.

I went back to sleep.

An hour later, with my wife taking one girl to preschool and the other toddling around in the living room, I got out the superglue and affixed riders to horses and shields to arms as needed.  When finished, my little beer box of goodies looked like this:

When my wife returned, I hurried outside with a few cans of spray paint before she could start pulling singlets and socks out of the washing machine. 

With test figures in the foreground (who says you don't need 24 Old Glory slingers?) and no classes until mid-afternoon, I was all set to go.

I took a little moment to reflect.  The time had finally come - a whole four months after my last spray-priming episode - to farewell the nightmare humidity of summer and welcome some perfect priming weather . 

It didn't really matter what the figures were, but just for the sake of completeness I'll include the list: horses and drivers for some Magister Militum scythed chariots, and a recently acquired Essex Norman DBA army. 

Fifteen minutes later, my beer box looked like this:

And what a beautiful sight it was.

A short while later I managed to sneak into the little hobby room for an hour to clean up another Essex DBA army which I hope to prime tomorrow.  And yes, the army was Saxons.  Who else could round out such a fine hobby morning so appropriately?


  1. I recognise a fair few of those figures as ones waiting to be painted by me too.

    I've gone off spray priming, which may be more a reflection of my technique, but I find hand painting the undercoat gets me better acquainted with the shortcomings of my removing flash!

  2. Hi Mark,

    You must be pretty dedicated to prime by hand. I'm afraid I'm too lazy! It's a good option to have though I guess, as it means you aren't so reliant on the weather.

    Anyway, back to de-flashing the next lot :)


  3. I decided that my priming by spray was so rough I may as well do it by hand. I do a thin coat of grey undercoat, and then a coat of black Klear wash (a technique I picked up from Bob of Edmonton), which shows the highlights. I find the time this takes can be quite good in getting to know the figures that I'm about to paint. I see it as preparation for painting (and I catch more flash too!).

  4. Well done with your time! I had forgotten those days when time management (with family in mind) was of supreme importance. The things we lead (pewter) addicts go through to get a fix;-)

  5. Hi Kevin, thanks for visiting! It does take a bit of planning ahead to get things done but it suits me because it's a)half the fun and b) a convenient excuse to self when one fails a motivation check ;-)

