
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rugby World Cup is ON!

Things will be very quiet here on the old blog for a couple more weeks as I settle down to watch the rugby world cup in earnest.  It has been a great spectacle so far, but it's going to go up a notch or two tonight as our beloved All Blacks take on the might of the French.  It should be a real battle out there, and with a cracking few weeks to come I couldn't be happier. 

So, I raise my glass to all the rugby fans out there, and let rugby be the winner on the day (as Sean Fitzpatrick might have said)!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lost Battles (the boardgame) arrives

It's been a quiet few weeks here on the blog front.  I had a quick visit home to New Zealand to celebrate the old man's 60th, and although I was only there for a week I've been a bit of a wreck since my return.  It was great to catch up with family and have a few too many beers but it really took it out of me.  I think I must be getting old!

Anyway, on to the wargaming...

On Sunday the long-awaited boardgame version of Phil Sabin's Lost Battles arrived on my doorstep.  It really is the box of goodness I'd been hoping it would be.  The artwork is stunning and the new rulebook is superb.

Here are a few in-progress shots of the Granicus scenario to give you a taste:

The only slight complaint I have is that the grassy areas on the river tiles are rather greener than those of their normal cousins, but once the counters are down I find that I don't notice it so much.  Phil Sabin, Mark Mahaffey and the Fifth Column Games team have done a great job on this, and I'm very happy I got my pre-orders in on this one.

Well, back to the game!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Free Ancient Naval Wargame Rules

I just came across this on - a link to a freely available game of galley warfare that only requires a few boxes of matches!  Looks like a great concept.   Might be worth checking it out!